Around Beaver Town

We were very busy bees during our visit to Beaver.  We did lots of swimming, eating ice cream and playing at the parks.

We walked up street many times to visit the Bakery and to eat ice-cream

Andrew was in need of a haircut!

That’s better

Piper also got her hair cut while we were home.  This was the first time she had her hair shampooed at a salon

Cruisin with Grandpa

At Linn Park

Celebrating Grandpa’s Birthday

The Beaver Festival

Piper riding the ferris wheel

All that excitment can really wear a guy out

Bye-bye…thanks for all the fun!

Keeping Cool

Swimming Buddies

Andrew has no fear.  He jumped off the diving board and loved it.

It was pretty warm the whole time we were visiting so it was nice to be able to swim as much as we did.

The Beaver Pool!

Piper going under water which was something new for her

The cousins at the spray park (Andrew was not having a good day)

Andrew and Micah splashing about

Visiting Friends

We saw lots of friends while we were home visiting

Piper meeting baby Joey


Sophie and Maddie

Micah and Andrew hanging out

The Aunties!

Andrew and Andrew on Andrew Drive

The Roomies and Kids

Celebrating the 4th of July

We celebrated the 4th of July by watching fireworks by the train station and a picnic with the Bechdel’s.  It was one hot day!!

Piper plugged her ears but she loved the fireworks

Andrew wasn’t sure what to make of the show

The cousins!!

Cooling off in the sprinker

Our Trips to Pittsburgh

Riding the Incline

Playing in the fountain at Station Square

Playing in the fountain in the Southside after strolling through the arts festival

Riding the Station Square Incline

We went to the Children’s Museum where they had Wizard of Oz display

The ceiling in the Art Room