Summer School

Piper and Andrew went to a week of summer school at Piper’s preschool.  It was only 3 days this week from 9 – noon.  We wish the kids could have done more weeks together because they both had such a great time.  Andrew loved being there with his big sister.  He mostly stuck close to her side.  Piper also took great care of him by staying close.  She would lead him around by the hand.  Before snacktime they have the little kids go into a separate room to get cleaned up while the big kids use the bathrooms.  Piper asked if she could be with her brother in the room.  They said yes after she washed up.  At snack and song time they sat together.  It was adorable!  They really love each other so much.

Giving hugs before school.  (The school was decorated for the week’s theme)

Painting together

Walking into school together on the last day

Riding bikes together

The photo above is hard to see but Andrew is sitting in between Piper’s lap during story time.