More Fun at the Pumpkin Patch

We went to Janoski’s Pumpkin Patch this afternoon.  It was a beautiful fall day.  We took the hayride out to the patch.  The kids had lots of fun picking out pumpkins.  

The kids are still a little jet lagged.

We made it!

We finally made it to Beaver!  It was a great flight to Cleveland and both kids slept well especially Andrew, he was pretty worn out after all the running he did at the airport before hand.  Then Grandma and Grandpa saved the day!!  They made the trip to Cleveland to pick us up so we didn’t have to wait 2 1/2 hours for our next flight to Pittsburgh.  We were so grateful to see them and not have to deal with flying anymore.  We cannot thank them enough!!  After we arrived home we all took it easy.  Piper slept all morning and Andrew slept all afternoon.  It was a rainy cold day great for just relaxing.

Travel Update

Well…our flight to San Francisco was delayed causing us to miss our connection.  So now we are leaving out of LAX on the red eye at 11pm tonight.  The flight isn’t too bad into Cleveland but we have a two and a half hour delay until we leave for Pittsburgh.  All this travel has made one anxious momma.  Piper was devastated not being able to fly out this afternoon.  She is so ready to get to Beaver.  Not sure how tonight will go since we haven’t flown a red eye since Piper was little.  Back then it was direct.  I have a bad feeling Andrew will be up alot crying because he can’t get comfortable sleeping. This is a heck of a travel adventure and I will be so glad when it’s all over!