Wild Weather!

It seems like a few times a year we experience some wild weather involving hail, thunder and lighting.  Today was that day.  We had two storms pass through and the second one was a doozy.  It brought alot of rain and hail.  There were many lightening strikes in the area too.  Luckily we were all safe inside.  Andrew slept through it all and Piper made a snowman out of the hail.  After it was all over a beautiful rainbow spanned across the skies.  Unfortunately the camera wouldn’t focus so we didn’t get a shot of that.  Earlier in the day we visited Aunt Becca who was working in Pasadena today.  Piper loved seeing her and didn’t want to go home with mommy.  Piper’s expression as she hears thunderIn front of Aunt Becca’s office (and yes it was very chilly that day but Piper is such a Southern CA girl, she hates to wear long sleeves and shoes…)HailstormAll snug in our footy jammiesBouncing and getting some energy out before making the bed