Day Trip to the Mountains

We headed up to the mountains to see some snow today.  It was only about a 45 minute drive out to Mt. Baldy.  The kids had fun making snowballs and seeing the snow.  It’s been so cold here lately that it didn’t feel that cold up at the top.  We had lunch at the Mt. Baldy Lodge before going home.  They had delicious hot chocolate with tons of marshmallows. DSC_0296   DSC_0305Piper took this photo for us.DSC_0303 DSC_0299 DSC_0318Grandma enjoying one of the last day trips before she heads back home.DSC_0333 DSC_0332 DSC_0314We really need to invest in mittens for Andrew.DSC_0335IMG_2254Yummy hot chocolate!IMG_2249IMG_2262DSC_0307 View from the top looking downIMG_2265This is the mountain we drove up.  Hoping to go back after our next snow.