
We had a blast at Kennywood with Grandpa, Grandma, Aunt Susie and Uncle Jack.  The kids loved riding all the rides especially those in Kiddie Land.  I couldn’t believe how brave they were.  Piper even went on the Log Jammer with Grandpa!  Mommy was able to ride a few roller coasters too and enjoy some fries from the Potato Patch.  It was such a fun day!!!!DSC_0173DSC_0090baby turtle rideDSC_0120baby whip rideDSC_0125 DSC_0126 DSC_0149The kids loved the lil’ phantom and could be ready for some big coasters soon.  They had to ride this twice as with most of the rides.DSC_0154 DSC_0145Riding with Uncle Jack DSC_0100DSC_0096kennywoodBig turtle ride DSC_0170The big hit for Piper was riding the log jammer with Grandpa.  She went on it twice and probably many more times if allowed.DSC_0164 DSC_0176A great day spent with family!