Busy Saturday

We had a very busy day today!  It started off with a screening of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 at Sony Studios.  We were invited through Daddy’s work.  It was fun although the kids didn’t last for the whole movie.  Then we walked through an Arts Festival where Piper was able to get a free art lesson.  Next stop was lunch at Senior Fish and a round of mini golf before naps. IMG_2409 Posing with the characters of the movie on the lot.IMG_2403 The art lesson.  Her cupcake turned out so neat once the chalk was added.IMG_2405 IMG_2411Mini golf!  Still a huge love of Andrew’s

School Update

DSC_0843It’s a been a nice two weeks of school for the kids!  We are quickly adjusting into a routine between school and work.  So far, it seems to be working good.

Piper loves school which we knew she would.  It has been amazing to watch how confident she’s been with her new school and all of the new faces but never was anxious, scared or sad to go.  For the first two half days, I parked the car to walk her in and pick her up.  Then on Monday she wanted to get out by herself in the carline where the 5th graders help the kids out of the car then wish the parents a happy day.  I thought maybe she would like me to walk her in again but she told me she was fine.  I asked her later if someone walked with her to class and she said “no” then added she was fine doing it all by herself.  When did our little one grow up?  The first several days were hard on her psychically.  It’s a long day but by Thursday she was better with the routine and made lots of new friends.  She has her lunch buddies and a BFF in the other class that she sees at recess time. This Thursday we walked her in so she could show Andrew her classroom.  After showing him around, she was eager to get out to the playground to see her friends.  My heart swelled watching her run out with her friends not needing me.  We are so proud to watch her grown into such a confident and sweet little girl.  She’ll be learning a lot this year so we’ll keep you posted.  DSC_0785

Andrew also has been enjoying school.  I wasn’t sure how he would being exposed to school for the first time plus having to stay an extended amount of time. Since I drop him off before class begins, he starts his day on the playground and so far he is very happy when I leave. As I drive by the playground on my way out he waves knowing which car is ours.  The teacher said he’s doing great in class and has never cried missing me.  He seems to be fitting right in there especially since he asks everyday if he can go, that makes me feel good.  I think this school is a good thing for Andrew.

Here are some photos from Piper’s second day at school taken by her teacher.  Their mascot is a hedgehog.  On Friday’s they have Hedgie Day where they get to keep a small stuffed hedge hog on their desk all day.  It’s very cute.

Screen Shot 2013-09-20 at Friday, Sep 20, 2013 | 8.15.43 PM Screen Shot 2013-09-20 at Friday, Sep 20, 2013 | 8.17.49 PM

Andrew’s First Day of Preschool

DSC_0838Today was Andrew’s first day starting at Sunrise Preschool.  He seemed very excited although I’m not sure he really knows what it means to go to school.  Piper couldn’t be more proud of him and is very excited for him to start at her old school.  She has been talking about Sunrise for the last several weeks getting him ready.  The conversation in the back of the car during drop offs was so cute.  They were talking about the school day. They both were beaming with excitement.  Andrew will attend an extended day including lunch but will only go Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Hope it’s a good year!DSC_0825 First Day!DSC_0829 DSC_0819 Photo is from Back to School Night where we were able to meet the teachers and play in the classroom.DSC_0831Cute photo unfortunately Piper blinked.

Bingo with a Z

Andrew loves playing Zingo.  It’s a bingo game with little yellow tiles that you match up to the photos on the cards.  He plays this morning, noon and night.  It’s a good thing because it is way too HOT to do anything outside…DSC_0772 DSC_0775 DSC_0777ZINGO!