Andrew’s First Day of Preschool

DSC_0838Today was Andrew’s first day starting at Sunrise Preschool.  He seemed very excited although I’m not sure he really knows what it means to go to school.  Piper couldn’t be more proud of him and is very excited for him to start at her old school.  She has been talking about Sunrise for the last several weeks getting him ready.  The conversation in the back of the car during drop offs was so cute.  They were talking about the school day. They both were beaming with excitement.  Andrew will attend an extended day including lunch but will only go Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Hope it’s a good year!DSC_0825 First Day!DSC_0829 DSC_0819 Photo is from Back to School Night where we were able to meet the teachers and play in the classroom.DSC_0831Cute photo unfortunately Piper blinked.