Nature Walk at Eaton Canyon

We live so close to Eaton Canyon but have never been there before.  They have a family nature walk every Saturday so we decided to try it.  The winds shifted so the air quality was better today.  We took a few different trails up to a giant Oak Tree.  Along the way we stopped to feel and smell different plants and observe our surroundings.  We all learned all kinds of new things.  After the walking tour there was a story time for the kids.  DSC_0403 DSC_0396 DSC_0407 The tree was so big the kids could climb into the middle.DSC_0401 DSC_0382 DSC_0385 collecting rocksDSC_0386 DSC_0391 DSC_0383

Eagle Spirit Day

Happy Friday and Happy Eagle Spirit Day.  Go Eagles! DSC_0372Ok we are now over this hot dry weather.  We just want our normal temperatures back. And lots of rain!  All this hot weather is causing brush fires.  This was the view of the sun as we awoke on Thursday morning to the Colby Fire.  This fire is not in our immediate area but close enough to smell the smoke from it.  Piper said they kept everyone in for P.E. and recess due to the bad air quality. This seems unreal for January… DSC_0370Taken at 7:30 AM.  It felt and looked like the sun was setting at that time in the morning.

A spontaneous afternoon

We couldn’t pass up a trip to the beach in the gorgeous weather we are having.  It was pretty spontaneous because we didn’t have plans to go midweek. The timing all worked out great.  We went to the beach after Piper’s school and hung out for the sunset.  The kids played a long time after the sun had gone down. They did not want to go.  We were one of the last to leave the beach.  Dave had a late meeting so we met him after work for dinner. The weather was still warm enough that we were able to eat outside.  The kids had a blast and can’t stop talking about it today.  DSC_0267 DSC_0283 What do you mean it’s the middle of January?DSC_0275 DSC_0278 DSC_0281 DSC_0263 DSC_0301 DSC_0308 DSC_0291 IMG_3385 DSC_0313 DSC_0321 DSC_0350 DSC_0358 DSC_0369 IMG_3397The place where we ate dinner.

Enjoying the Sunset

This week the weather is going to be in the 80’s.  We are enjoying every minute because the warmth feels so good!  (too bad it wasn’t this nice last weekend…)  This afternoon we drove up into the mountains a bit to watch the sunset.  We could see all the way to the ocean.DSC_0233 DSC_0251 The view with the ocean in the distance.DSC_0238 DSC_0249 DSC_0253

California Dreaming…

IMG_2851I want to apologize for the delay in posting anything new.  We spent last week getting the house back together after putting the Christmas decorations away.  Then we settled back into our routine of school and work.  It was pretty exhausting.

Over the weekend we went up to the Reagan Library and made some Valentine’s Day crafts.  We were hoping to see the sunset at the beach but the weather didn’t want to cooperate.IMG_2857 A wall of clocks at the Reagan Library.  DSC_0231 Flowers that Piper and mommy madeDSC_0230   Piper decorated the chalkboard all by herself.