Happy Valentine’s Day

DSC_0628We had lunch with Daddy at his work on Friday for Valentine’s day.  It was fun to all be together and worked out great because Piper didn’t have school.  This is one of Piper’s favorite holidays.  She has been making cards and presents for family and friends since January.  She couldn’t wait for the day to finally get here.

DSC_0629 Piper in her new Valentine’s jammies and new heart apron. IMG_2932Making cookies.  Piper spelled this out with dough as a surprise. DSC_0617 We have our work cut out for us.DSC_0624


School Valentine Celebrations

DSC_0589Wow!  It’s been a very busy week.  It’s been so busy I haven’t had a chance to announce that Piper lost her 4th tooth on Wednesday.  Now both front teeth are missing.  It’s funny to watch her smile. Andrew bumped the tooth in the stroller so it came out a few days ahead of schedule but Piper was more than thrilled!!

On Thursday Piper and Andrew celebrated Valentine’s Day at school today.  Andrew had a fun party where they exchanged cards and had cookies.  He came home with a grocery bag full of sweet treats.  Piper’s class had a Teddy Bear picnic out in the playground.  The parents were invited to attend.  After lunch they paraded around the whole school.  Piper also came home with lots of treats from her friends.

Piper is looking forward to Valentine’s Day tomorrow where we have more fun things planned.DSC_0613 DSC_0607 Showing off a play-doh Valentine from mom and dadDSC_0609 lots of goodies in hereDSC_0614 DSC_0503 The Teddy Bear PicnicDSC_0598 The kids made their own sandwiches and designed their own bags.IMG_3469DSC_0600 Piper and Bella

Eliana, Karolina and Piper.  If you think they girls look hot they were.  It was 83 degrees today…where is our winter?DSC_0602 DSC_0606 DSC_0592 This is Audrey, Piper’s 3rd grade buddy.  They have been buddies since the first day.  She is really sweet to Piper and they have scheduled “buddy” activities throughout the year.  Here they are exchanging Valentine’s.DSC_0594Mrs. Vernon’s door.  Very sweet!

Beach Sunset

DSC_0565We drove down to Culver City to meet daddy for dinner tonight.  Before dinner we couldn’t resist a trip to the beach to watch the sunset.  It wasn’t as warm as it was the last time we were there but the kids had fun regardless.  There was lots of digging for buried treasure, lots of running to the water and back and more digging.  We had the beach to ourselves which was great!  Then we enjoyed a wonderful pizza dinner with daddy again at the Wildflower cafe.  DSC_0510 DSC_0508 DSC_0514 DSC_0525 DSC_0527 DSC_0528 DSC_0544 Beautiful view of the moon tooDSC_0533 DSC_0535 DSC_0547 DSC_0543 DSC_0522 IMG_3456 IMG_3442 DSC_0573 DSC_0575

Making Valentine’s

Piper made cupcake flowers along with handmade cards for all her friends at school.  DSC_0496 DSC_0500 DSC_0506Andrew made this adorable valentine at his school.  Inside are coupons for hugs and kisses.