A Busy week

We had a very busy week and weekend hanging out with friends.  There were several playdates with our neighbors and classmates of Piper.  We also went to a birthday party, a BBQ at Piper’s friend Bella’s house and to a Super Bowl party at Jack and Mike’s.  DSC_0438 Mike, Jack and Liam had dinner with us Thursday evening.DSC_0435 IMG_3399This is a drawing that Piper did at a birthday party last week.  They gave the children step by step examples to create the picture. We were really impressed with Piper’s.IMG_3413 Being silly on Saturday morningIMG_3424At a bowling birthday party for classmate Eliana IMG_3427Piper and Karolina.  She is Piper’s good friend and the girls are two weeks apart in age.IMG_2922 Getting haircuts IMG_3428A crazy night at the super bowl party.