Three Piggy Opera

piperpig.jpgThe kindergarden class put on a play today called “Three Piggy Opera”.  Each child had a part and it was an adorable story of the three pigs.  We are so glad that Piper was feeling well enough to be in it. She played the part of mother pig and had the biggest singing part. We are very proud!  DSC_1246 In her mother pig costume getting ready for the showDSC_1248 Mrs. Vernon’s classIMG_3680 DSC_1250 DSC_1251 Singing her soloIMG_3681DSC_1258 DSC_1262With friends Karolina and Katherine.  After the show they had refreshments for the parents.  As you can see the weather is finally back to normal.  Grey May is back!

On the mends

Piper and Andrew are starting to feel better.  Piper is almost 100 percent and Andrew is doing so much better than yesterday.  Hopefully this is the last of the sickness now!DSC_1238Piper making her special lemon meringue pie.

Two Sick Babies

It’s been crazy around here. We suffered brutal temperatures of 100 degrees last week.  It was so hot that the schools limited outdoor recess and soccer was canceled. Usually this time of year is delightful.  We are in for a long hot summer…Then Piper came down with a fever that matched the 102 temperature outside.  The fever lasted 5 days and gave us some concern.  But the doctor gave her a clean bill of health today.  Unfortunately Andrew caught the fever and also has an ear infection.  We are all hoping to be 100 percent soon.  IMG_3212 Before the Pens lost and before the heat moved in.  This was a week ago today.IMG_3213Having fun out on the town.

Happy Mother’s Day!

DSC_1230What a nice Mother’s day.  The kids started off by serving a feast for breakfast that included waffles, eggs, bacon and potatoes.  They each picked out a ballon to give me and had lots of homemade cards.  It was a very relaxing day.  I hope all you great mom’s out there had a wonderful day as well!IMG_3663IMG_3665