Last day to be 3 Years Old

DSC_1518Hard to believe Andrew will be 4 years old tomorrow.  Time goes fast!  We met some friends for ice-cream at Buster’s and then walked around the town.DSC_1510 Enjoying his ice-cream!DSC_1511 Piper and KatherineDSC_1536 Busters!DSC_1534 We discovered an enormous tree with very long roots that was great for climbing.DSC_1528 It should be mentioned that Andrew dressed himself. We think he might be setting some trends in fashion soon. LOL.DSC_1525

Summer Evenings

Summer evenings at the Huntington are back!

Our summer is really kicking off to a great start! Today we had a very busy day.  It began with swimming lessons and then we had breakfast at Andy’s with old friends. (wish we would have thought to take a picture…) The late afternoon was spent at the Huntington Gardens roaming around the grounds and listening to great music.  DSC_1481 The desert is in the background.DSC_1493 DSC_1498

Summer Solstice Party

We thought it be fun to get together with a few friends on the Summer Solstice and call it a party! DSC_1475The kiddies: Elizabeth, Katherine, Piper, Andrew and Nathan.

Nathan and Katherine are friends from Piper’s school.  Elizabeth is Katherine’s little sister and is the same age as Andrew.

Slip and Slide

IMG_3802 The kids had fun slipping and sliding at Hendrick’s house.  He also goes to Piper’s school but is a year older.  We’ve known him since our kids were very young.IMG_3805 IMG_3806