Snowy Evening Walk

It was still snowing last night so we took a little walk around the block. We definitely got 2 feet of snow, maybe more.

This is our front entrance that we shoveled earlier.
It was very quiet out
This is the street behind our house. Doesn’t look like we will be going anywhere soon…

Update to the Snowstorm

This is the biggest storm to hit our area in over 15 years. We enjoyed watching it snow all day and are under a blizzard warning until midnight tonight. We think we got about 22 inches of snow but it’s hard to tell with all the snowdrifts. Here’s a few more photos taken later in the day. And great news…the kids have a real snow day tomorrow!

The kids did not join us to shovel
Check out this snowdrift!


We are getting a bunch of snow today. Our news stations were calling this storm a snowpocalypse which is so funny. Piper stayed outside about 90 seconds because the wind was blowing too hard. Andrew did play a little longer. I think we will wait until it stops snowing to go back out and enjoy. It’s a nice wet snow that’s perfect for making snowmen!

It’s hard to know just how much we have because of all the snow drifts.