Artist Studio Tour

There are so many artists living on Salt Spring. You can visit up to 20 artists on a studio tour all over the island. We wish we would have seen more.

Sunset Farms

Our first stop was at Sunset Farms. They have 150 sheep, 2 goats, 2 mini horses, chickens and a turkey. We were able to visit with the animals and do some shopping.

Lavender and Black

Next we checked out a lavender farm
After doing some shopping and exploring all the different kids of lavender we enjoyed the view!

Salt Spring Island Goat Cheese

Another favorite stop on the studio tour was at Salt Spring Island Goat Cheese. Everything there was delicious and again the surroundings were beautiful!

the goat pens

Sacred Mountain Lavender Farm

We also visited the other lavender farm on the island

Honor System Farmstands

All over the island there are farm stands that are on the honor system. You just leave your payment in a jar and take your goodies.
This one was one of the fancier ones where they had coffee, drinks and snacks. You could enjoy your goodies overlooking the water.

Farmers Market

Salt Spring is known for their Saturday market which we unfortunately missed. But we did hit the smaller Tuesday afternoon version.