17 weeks and growing

Piper woke up to a cool and gloomy Monday so she just played inside today.  We read books together, practiced tummy time and even tried out her new activity gym.  She has some growing to do before enjoying all the fun things on it but it’s a start. 

We have been taking periodic photos of her on the bear (bottom left photo) so everyone can see her grow and be able to measure it.

Outings and sports

Sleeping most of the night and morning only lasted so long before Piper’s energy was at full!  After a good breakfast, she was ready for her first outing of the day to Target!  She rode nicely in the cart and got to take in the fun lights at the store.  Then she came home to see the Pats win the AFC division.  She had lunch and then headed out for her second outing of the day.  This was a long walk around the neighborhood where she took a nice long nap.

The rest of the evening Piper watched the Giants take the NFC title and then a little tennis before bath and bed time.  She’s turning into quite the sports fan…

Visit from Aunt Becca

Piper had a really nice visit from Aunt Becca who is just back from a trip to New Zealand.  They had a wonderful time catching up and being silly together.  Piper even blew her some raspberries and gave out lots of smiles before becoming very tired.  Aunt Becca got to hang around for bath time and see Piper splish splash all over the place.   She loves the bath!  So then, after an evening of socializing and a bath, Piper fell fast asleep and off to dreamland. 

Let’s do lunch

Piper had a very sleepy morning which rolled right into lunch time where she got to meet up with daddy!  He was working in Burbank today which is alot closer to home so Piper and mommy were able to do lunch with him.

The rest of the day she was in a good mood.  Very talkative and full of things she wanted to do.  Too bad mommy and daddy don’t have the same energy (I guess sleeping most of the day has some advantages). Piper hears her Aunt Becca is back in town and might have a surprise visit tomorrow.  Stay tuned!

Tennis anyone….

All this week mommy has been introducing Piper to tennis by watching the Australian Open.  She is quickly becoming a big fan and is loving all the exciting matches.  Today, she took her first trip to the grocery store, it was pretty exciting as you can imagine. 

She then played in her crib for a while, which is now her new favorite place to play.  This morning after a long nap she woke up and laid there quietly by herself.