5 months old

Piper Grace celebrates her 5 month birthday!  She got all dress for the occasion which was also combined with the Oscars.  Besides a very runny nose she had a great day!

Under the weather

We are all still feeling a bit under the weather.  It seems this cold we have became worse last night into today.  Piper slept more than she normally naps and had a very runny nose.  Still managed to make a quick trip to the farmer’s market in the morning, but it was straight home and to bed after that.  What we thought was over has now become worse for all of us.  We hope we start to feel better soon!

Play Day

It was another cold wet day so Piper played inside.  She kept busy in her excer-saucer and is getting so tall that she can now move around in it.  Then she helped mommy make daddy’s favorite cookies.  (Daddy then returned the favor and made mommy’s favorite cookies later that night.)

Tonight we had a picnic dinner on the living room floor and while Piper entertain us with her rolling skills.  She’s not rolling over but more swinging from side to side.  Then she had some tummy time with daddy and made us all laugh with just how sweet she is.  

We apologize for the out of focus photos but Jen’s camera work needs a little fine tuning.

Our Baby Kangaroo

Piper enjoyed most of her day hanging out in Kate’s sling.  She was so cozy in there and had a great time.  This is one of her favorite positions to be in so she look out and see everything. 

Check out how big Piper is getting in the photos below.  We can still remember when she was just a tiny peanut in her daddy’s arms.

Cold and Wet Wednesday

Piper woke up too early this morning and was a bit off of her routine.  We had to adjust a few things but she seemed to go with the flow.  The weather was pretty yucky so there isn’t anything exciting to report.  Although, Piper did have alot to tell her daddy when he got home from work.