All in a day

Piper still wasn’t feeling herself today but was still as charming and sweet as ever.  A few naps, a stroll and some tummy time kept her busy until mommy & daddy came home.  Piper had a wonderful evening with them and told them all about her fun day with Kate.  Then it was bath time and off to bed.

Below is a picture of Piper in what we think was one of daddy’s knitted outfits when he was a boy. 

21 Weeks   

Piper is a bit under the weather today.  Trish and Parker were both dealing with a cold when they came to visit so we knew it was probably inevitable that Piper get sick.  She was in pretty good spirits even though she wasn’t her perky fun self.  We hope it doesn’t get too bad. 

Piper (& mommy) went out for some fresh air and a long walk.  She’s really enjoying sitting up and looking out in her stroller to see the world in a new way.  Kitty had some bonding time too.

Piper in Action

Piper woke us up over the weekend making great cooing noises.  She was sleeping in her old stomping grounds while Trish and Parker were visiting.  They left this morning to continue their journey up the coast to complete their California adventure.

We were fortunate enough to have a very talkative Piper today and were able to get it on video. Enjoy the small clip:

If you have trouble seeing the video above, you might have to install QuickTime Player which you can get here:  Apple – QuickTime

Out and About

Today Piper got to venture out and about to the Huntington Gardens here in Pasadena with Parker and Trisha.  They explored all sorts of fun places and  the neat Children’s Garden.  Piper even had her first meal out which went great!  Parker seemed to get along fine and really enjoy the time out.

Piper has been having lots of fun with everyone coming to visit.  She’s been so excited lately that she wears herself out – hopefully for the evening!

A Visit from Trisha and Parker

Piper got a special visit from Trisha and Parker all the way from North Carolina today.  They are staying with us through Sunday and are so excited to meet Miss Piper.

Tomorrow we get to all explore a little bit of Pasadena and enjoy the nice weekend.  Who knows what’s on the agenda??  We sure don’t!