Grandpa’s here!

Grandpa arrived today and Piper was there to greet him at the airport.  They had a great afternoon playing together.  Grandpa couldn’t believe how much she had changed and he was so happy to see her! 


Piper loves blowing raspberries.  She has been doing this for awhile here and there.  But now she is blowing them with such force and for much longer periods of time.  It’s quite entertaining!    We have  a small clip of her below so you can get an idea of what we are talking about.  She also grabs and bats at everything.  Her little hands are quick so we have to be careful with our hair, jewelry and things we are eating.

We enjoyed a really nice lunch outdoors today. Piper was all dressed up in her new outfit.  She got pretty tired of showing off and took a small nap while we were eating.  Again, she has been such a delight everywhere we take her.  We couldn’t ask for a better baby!

I love oatmeal

Piper started on oatmeal yesterday and as you can see from the photos it’s a huge hit.  She absolutely loved it and mommy couldn’t move fast enough to get it into her mouth.  She’ll try this for the next three days then will try barley before moving onto veggies.  What a fun time!

Grandma, Mommy & Piper headed out on a day trip to Larchmont (which is in Hollywood).  It was a beautiful day for walking the main street and eating lunch at an outdoor cafe.  Piper loved every minute!

Meeting Mr. Easter Bunny

Piper had a very special outing today to meet Mr. Easter Bunny.  She wasn’t afraid of him (even though the creepy bunny didn’t talk at all) and smiled really big for the camera.  After she was done they gave her a cute pair of ears. 

Again, Piper had a great day and was such a trooper.  She is really enjoying all her day trips this week!  We know the fresh air and all the new sights are doing her good.  She is such a delight and is so happy to just go with the flow.  We can’t stop smiling or laughing around this sweet little thing. 

Happy St. Patty’s Day!

It was such a nice day here that we headed down to Old Town for some window shopping and lunch.  Piper was so good and enjoyed riding in her stroller.  She loved checking out the new sights and watching us eat. 

Grandma is loving every second with her pride and joy.  She enjoys helping out with the feedings, changing a diaper or two and of course play time.  They are having a great time together!  Piper is full of smiles for Grandma.

Tonight, Piper rolled over from tummy to back for the first time.  We knew she was strong enough but it just took awhile for her to figure it out.  Hopefully next time we will catch it on film.