Hurray for the weekend!   

Weekends are such a special time for us all to be together.  We cherish every moment of the day and can’t get enough of our sweet girl!  Today was very relaxing day because we didn’t have to go anywhere.  It was nice being able to have more time to play and enjoy it all. 

Playtime with Aunt Becca

Aunt Becca stopped by to see Piper today.  They had fun playing together as you can see from the photos below.  Her Aunt Becca loves her so much.  It was so great to see her and we hope to do it again real soon!

Tickles from Daddy

Playing and clapping with Aunt Becca

10 Months Old and a Tooth

Piper is ten months old today!  Time has gone by so quickly these last few months and we can’t believe how big she is getting.

We noticed a tooth coming in on the bottom right side.  Hopefully they will all come in as smoothly as this one because there were no signs of it breaking through.

Tomorrow we will have better photo because we ran out of time tonight.


We think it’s safe to say Cherrios are Piper’s favorite food.  She lights up when we get them out. We hide them in a pocket of one of her toys for her to find.  She always remembers when she’s playing and will keep going back to the pocket in hopes to find more.  Tonight she even put 5 in her mouth at one time.  She looked like a little chipmunk but gobbled them right up.

The weather has been so great in the evenings we took a stroll around the Paseo which is an outdoor shopping area.  Above is a photo of Piper checking out the sights.