Sweet little girl  

As Piper develops, we’ve been just enjoying seeing this little girl grow her personality and discover things every day.  She does get frustrated at times but just as easily she’ll let out a good belly laugh which makes for wonderful days.  Piper just adores being around people where she’ll take interest and get really excited.  It’s been fun to see her shine as she moves around more and more each day.  Pretty soon we’ll be chasing her around, hope we can keep up with this little one!

New Kitty Friend 

Today, Piper met a new kitty ‘Weezer’ while out shopping for her new stroller in Silverlake.  She was very excited to play with the little black cat who couldn’t have loved Piper more.  We wish we had photos of them getting along together.  All that excitement left her with a nice long nap in the car ride home.

Then, we all went on a big walk around the neighborhood in the new jogging stroller which was as smooth as can be.  It’s so nice being pushed around on a cloud of air – it’s the way life should be!

Piper and Weezer, who is begging for more love.

Play Day

Piper is becoming more adventurous in moving around.  She moved herself from a standing toy to the coffee table.  Of course she was trying to reach something she shouldn’t have but it was great to see her legs moving.  When she was on the ground she tried moving towards a ball that had rolled away.  Piper really wants to move and is starting to figure out how things work.  It was fun playing with her today, she just keeps us on our toes!

Our love muffin

Piper is taking nicely to her new nanny, Jeannette.  She is very easy going and has very curly hair that Piper loves to play.  They seem to get along great together which is comforting to know she’s in good hands.

When we get home from work, Piper gets so excited to see us.  It’s a wonderful feeling to walk in and see her smiling face.  Tonight, she enjoyed a ride on daddy’s shoulders where she played the drum on his head.  See the photos below.