The Weekend

Piper had a social weekend visiting with friends.  On Saturday she spent alot of time playing with Ben who loves to be doing whatever Piper is doing (which sometimes frustrates her).  The only time they are BBF is during snack time.

Then on Sunday she visited with Sharon, Rich and their dog Duncan.  Piper wasn’t sure what to do with all the kisses from Duncan but she wasn’t afraid and tried very hard to grab his tongue unsuccessfully.

Strolling Around the House

Piper received an earlier present in the mail that’s perfect for her (thanks, Nicole!).  It’s a baby buggy that she can use to practice walking and to maneuver around the house. We know before too long she’ll be walking on her own.  Not sure if we are ready or not for that…

A Busy Girl

Jeannette was back to help out with Piper today.  She couldn’t get over how much she had changed from two weeks ago.  Piper was her busy self and kept Jeanette on her toes most of the day. 

Exploring the Surroundings

Piper is adjusting to the quiet life once again.  Thank goodness we have Kitty to liven things up.  It’s very different being at home with Piper so mobile now.  She is on-the-go nonstop and it’s hard to keep up with her.  In between explorations of the house, she took two great naps (must be still catching up with her sleep).