12 Month Doctor Check-up

Piper had a great visit with the doctor today who was very pleased with her progress and said she looked wonderful.  Piper now weighs 20 lbs 4 oz and is 28 1/2 inches long.  This keeps her in the 50% which is where she’s been all along.  The poor girl had to get 3 shots, the most she’s ever had at one time.

Then last Friday we had to have her tested for lead since we live in an old house.  We thought it would be a simple pinprick but they actually took a tube of blood out.  She was strapped down in a mini-stretcher with just her arms out.  It was very hard to watch.  What an awful couple of days for her.

Since Piper turned one, she’s kept us very busy so we haven’t been able to update the blog daily.  We will continue to post photos and entries as often as we can.  Also, we are moving her baby site to a new location with some security.  (You can never be too careful nowadays)  Once we are up and running, we’ll send an email out. 

Touchdown Steelers!!!

Helping mommy with my baff