Happy Birthday Piper Grace!

Hard to believe one year ago today our little baby came into this world.  It’s been amazing watching her grow from the tiny 6 pound girl we brought home from the hospital who changed our lives.  So much that we almost can’t remember a time without her.  Every day seems to get better and better!

Piper had a great day and spent the afternoon exploring the Huntington Gardens.  Grandma and Grandpa S. said ‘hi’ over the computer which was a treat.  Then she had a little cupcake with a pink P on it before going to out to eat with mom and dad. 

Thanks to everyone for making Piper’s first birthday so special.  Also, we would like to everyone for the wonderful thoughtful comments on the blog.  They’ve helped us get through the good and tough times as she grew.  It’s been fun to share each day during Piper’s first year.