Happy Monday

The weekend was pretty cold and wet so we hung around the house keeping busy.  Andrew and Piper did pretty well adjusting to the time change but were both up early.

Also, the peacock family is living in the pine tree in our backyard.  They come home every night as the day turns to dusk and fly up into the tree to sleep.  They hang around most of the day too.  It’s pretty neat watching them grow.  They should be moving on pretty soon because the babies are getting so big.

Andrew loves reading stories now.  He will find a book and plop down on our laps to hear it.

Sleepy Andrew

Andrew must be catching up with sleep after the time change.  Today he took a 3 hour nap and had to be woken up.  He was so sound asleep that it took awhile for him to hear us.  Piper made plenty of noise and even tickled him.  Finally he started to stir.