17 Months Old

Andrew is just growing and changing so fast before our eyes.  He’s now into climbing up on things.  He loves to climb up on our bed, the couch and the stools in the bathrooms.  He’s pretty cautious though and does wait for help to get down.  Reading books with us is still his favorite thing to do!  It’s nice that he will sit for long periods of time now.  He’s very social and gives smiles to everyone he sees.  Andrew is always happy!  Every where he goes he also makes lots of friends.  There are still only a few words in his vocabulary but he knows how to communicate.  He uses a few signs, points and grunts and also mimics how many things work.  He’s a pretty smart guy for not having much to say.  Oh and he loves to dance!

Piper and Andrew get along so well together.  They love playing and making each other laugh.

Andrew and Piper at 17 months