Steeler Party   

These are the last of our photos from our trip to Beaver.  We went to a great Steeler party at Eli and Micah’s house.  There were many little ones which made it fun.  Eli and Piper had a great time hanging out.  It’s just too bad the Steeler’s lost.

Andrew couldn’t get enough of climbing stairs while we were home.  He loved jumping off the last one by himself.

I borrowed this photo from Jen B.  Thanks!

They were jumping on a trampoline which is why Piper’s hair is puffy then flat

J is for Jewelry Box

Every week at Piper’s school the kids bring in something to share with the class.  They stand in the front and talk about what they brought in.  Then they call on 2 or 3 kids to answer their questions. It always corresponds with the letter they are learning for the week.  Piper was so happy to learn J was the letter so she could bring in her jewelry box.  This was a special gift from Great Uncle Chuck and Aunt Joyce to keep all her pretties in.  When you open it a ballerina dancer moves around to music.  It was also mitten day today because the kids were working with ice.  Alot was going on this week at school!

18 Month Old  Doctor Check Up

Andrew saw the doctor today for his 18 month appointment.  It’s hard to believe he’s that old already!  He weighs 24 lb, 8 oz and is 34 1/2 inches long.  This keeps him in the 25% for weight and the 95% for height.  The doctor wasn’t worried about his weight since he has been consistent in this range.  He met all his milestones except for talking. 

Andrew and Piper at 18 months