Around the Town

Here’s a few photos of what we did during our stay.

The weather was pretty mild so we made it to the parks

Andrew loved the see-saw

We relaxed

We walked up street for ice-cream and to hear the clock chime.

We cheered for the Steelers and climbed lots of stairs

We hunkered in a bit

We wished for lots of snow

And we played more at the park and ate more ice-cream

Seeing Friends

Piper was a busy bee seeing lots of friends during her stay. 

Above is a photo of Piper, Avery, Colby, Payton and Andrew.  Avery and Piper had a lot of fun together.  They are similar in age and oh so cute!!

Payton was so sweet to Andrew and read lots of stories to him

Two peas in a pod

Piper also spent time with Eli.  They had a lunch date together where Eli showed her his classroom, then they went to lunch at Pizza Joe’s, had a cookie from the bakery and played at Aunt Susie’s.  Later in the week Piper went to school with Eli for a day.  She LOVED it and wished she could go everyday with him.  After school they went to lunch and played more at Aunt Susie’s.