Holiday Recap

Here’s a recap of Christmas Day.

After arriving a little later than planned on Christmas Eve both kids slept really well that night.  Piper woke around 9:00AM and was excited to see what Santa brought.  We had to wake Andrew at 11:00AM because he was missing all the fun.  Santa brought Piper a pink camera and kid computer.  Andrew received a musical set and books.  Thanks to Santa Grandma Snitger the kids had stockings and lots of other things to open.  After presents we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Deelo’s.  We also saw Uncle Tom, Uncle Randy, Aunt Caryl Lynn, and cousin’s Michael Curtis, Ethan and Adam. 

That evening we had dinner with Great Uncle Chuck and Aunt Joyce.  It was a wonderful day!

Christmas Eve night sleeping in her Santa cap

Lots of presents

our attempt at a sibling photo

playing Go Fish

Ready for dinner

Horsing around with Uncle Chuck

waking up Andrew who was sleeping so soundly

Cousin Ethan and Piper taken with Piper’s  new camera