A Very Fun Friday!

This afternoon we took a trip down to Sony Studios to visit Daddy at work.  We got to walk around the beautiful grounds and have lunch.  The best part is there is a yogurt place right outside of daddy’s building!!  The kids had so much fun.  Andrew kept calling the rainbow “daddy’s rainbow”.  We hope to go back to visit again soon!  Then we went swimming over in Sierra Madre in the later afternoon.  They have a pool that only goes to 3 feet deep so the kids could touch.  I don’t know why it took us this long to discover it.  Piper was swimming all around like a fish and Drew even was brave enough to bounce around on his own.  We will definitely be going back there!DSC_0416 DSC_0424 What a great entrance to a beautiful place to work!IMG_2987 Yes!  Yogurt!DSC_0426DSC_0411 This made mommy happy! (Cary Grant Theater)DSC_0412 Let us in!IMG_2989 Our mini swimming pool that will keep us busy for the rest of the summerIMG_2993I couldn’t get a good photo of the kids together.  They had so much fun though.