Family Fun Day

It was a fun filled weekend.  Today our first stop was the Reagan Library.  We toured the Lincoln exhibit, Air Force One and had lunch.  Then we moved on to Underwood Farms to pick lots of produce.  The night ended with an impromptu gathering and dinner at our neighbors house.  Yesterday we also did some putting at the local putting greens.  It was one great weekend!DSC_0433 A morning ride with the President.  (this is the kid’s favorite spot of the library)DSC_0436 DSC_0430 We saw lots of neat things at the Lincoln exhibitDSC_0441 Yay! Underwood FarmsDSC_0444 SunflowersDSC_0450 Picking peppersDSC_0452 Heirloom tomatoesDSC_0457 DSC_0463 Green beans with the strawberry fields in the distanceDSC_0467cucumbers