Pumpkins and Jumping

Piper’s school had an early dismissal today.  We went with a few of Piper’s classmates to a pumpkin patch. Although it turned out to be more bouncy house fun than pumpkins. The pumpkins were set up under a cover which made it nice to walk around on this hot day. Then there were 6 BIG bounce houses.  This was all located on a corner lot that is just used seasonally.  The kids had so much fun.  A great way to tucker them out.DSC_0201Smile photo (right to left: Katherine, Karolina, Francesca and Elizabeth.  Andrew and David are in the back)DSC_0206Make a funny face photoDSC_0215 DSC_0209MeowDSC_0222DSC_0226 climbing to the topDSC_0232