Last Day of 1st Grade!!

It was a great last day of school for Piper.  After school was over they had a Mad Science party and then we hung out at Nathan’s house.  The strange part about the day is that it rained.  Who would have thought in June!?    DSC_0341IMG_6295 Piper and her classDSC_0351 With Francesca and EllaDSC_0348 (1) With NathanIMG_6294With KatherineDSC_0339 Jad, Piper, Cory, Ava Kate and AurixIMG_6297 Both 1st grade classesDSC_0337 (1) DSC_0346DSC_0325 (1)

Last Week of First Grade

We can’t believe our baby girl is going to be a second grader.  Today is her last day! Below are a few photos from the week. Included is Field Day which is a fun day for the kids to participate in noncompetitive field events.  There are more pictures to come!IMG_6292 Piper and her teacher Ms. SummersIMG_6268 With good buddy Nathan at Field DayIMG_6272 IMG_6273 With good friend Cory at Field DayIMG_6165Hanging with her brother after lunch