Doctor’s Check up

Piper had her 9 month doctor wellness appointment today and everything looks good.  She weighs 18 pounds 3 ounces and is now 27 inches long.  This keeps her in the 50 percentile for her age group.  The doctor said her development is right on track and encouraged us to keep doing what we are doing.  But, no signs of teeth yet…where are they?!  Also, we to get to add meats, finger foods and a sippy cup into her diet.  It all sounds so fun and we hope she takes to it!  Piper only needed one shot and got a pretty Barbie band-aid for her effort (seen above & below on her changing table pics).

Helping pack up my stuff

Yep, it’s all here…

Daddy is making me laugh before the baff

9 Months Old! 

We can’t believe out little baby is 9 months old already!  Piper is changing so fast now and it’s exciting to watch.  It seems like she is just growing leaps and bounds so we’re trying to savor every moment.  She is such a sweet little girl and we are very blessed!  We love you so much, Pipercakes.

Tomorrow we head to the doctors to see how things size up.  Hopefully no more shots, but probably so. Stay tuned for the updates.

Love this standing thing

Piper loves being able to stand and wants to do it all the time.  She hasn’t mastered sitting down from this position and sometimes gets stuck.  Also, she seems antsy to be able to move on her own and can become frustrated at times.  When we carry her she tries to leap out of arms when she spots something that’s a ‘must have’.  Also, this happens on the floor where it’s a bit harder for her to get around (frustration sets in quick).  It will be interesting to see how quickly she’ll figure out to either crawl or walk to get her way.

Piper helped get things organized for the big trip this weekend.  We are looking forward to seeing everyone again back in Beaver!

snuggled up with daddy before my bath

Pasadena when it sizzles….

Piper had a wonderful day spending it with her mommy and daddy.  They took a nice walk first thing this morning where Piper got to cat nap.  She seems to be getting stronger everyday.  One of her favorite things to do is bouncing and now can do it while standing up on her own.  She is also finding the strength to pull herself up to grasp at remote controls or anything else that’s off limits.  Hope this habit breaks soon – haha!

This afternoon she napped for a long time after the busy morning and woke up fresh.  Daddy was there to greet her and she was so happy to see him!  She’s been sleeping so well without the swaddle and we’re glad especially with how hot it’s been.  Our little girl is growing so nicely!

Summer begins

It was another hot sizzling day today so there wasn’t much going on at our house.  We took one outing to the store with Piper before the heat was out of control.  Piper held mommy’s purse while we walked around and seemed very happy to be in charge it.  The rest of the day was spent practicing standing, playing and reading lots of stories.  Piper was in good spirits though we were stuck indoors.  It’s even been in the triple digits in the evenings so we can’t walk or do much of anything.  Hoping it cools down to normal soon!