One HOT Day   

It was another triple digit day – yuck!  Piper and mommy took their walk around the Rose Bowl first thing this morning in hopes to avoid the heat but it was already warm.  Then stayed pretty much indoors to keep cool.  Piper’s latest thing is that she doesn’t like her toys but likes whatever the grownups are touching.  So a little exploring around the house and Piper was content. Now we just have to make sure everything around the house is clean.

Piper is now very good at putting the pacifier back in her mouth all by herself.  She’s been doing fairly well for awhile but recently has mastered it. Also worth noting, Piper is getting quite good at standing while holding on. She’s even been doing it with 1 hand which is quite impressive.  So much fun!

A Toasty Thursday

It was a hot and toasty day so Piper kept herself busy inside.  When daddy came home from work she was entertained by his cooking in the kitchen.  She loves to jump in her excer-saucer and listen to all the fun sounds on the stove.  Maybe this will inspire her to be a chef one day.  Then after dinner we took a family stroll in the neighborhood.  Piper loved being out and babbled on to just about anyone that would listen. 

Cool in the Pool

After a nice long walk around the Rose Bowl, Piper cooled off in her pool.  She loves splashing and getting everything and everyone all wet.  It’s so cute to see her in her mini-bathing suit and mini-sunglasses.

Piper was hoping to see her Grandpa & Grandma Deelo another time before they make the journey to Beaver tomorrow but time ran out for them.  Hope they have a safe trip home and we’ll see them really soon.


Piper had a really good day with her nanny while mommy and daddy went to work.  She was busy doing all her usual things and kept to her ‘2 nap’ routine.  Mommy and daddy couldn’t wait to get home and love her up. 

Tonight as we put her to bed, she kept saying “dada” in a very high pitched voice.  It’s so fun how she discovers the new vocal sounds she can make.

Warm June Day

Piper was able to play in her baby pool today since it was so warm.  She loved splashing around and cooling off in the water. 

Also, Piper is starting to change when she naps.  No longer does she need 2 1/2 naps every day and can stay up much longer in between them.  The most recent schedule is she goes down for a morning nap then takes a nice long afternoon nap starting around 2.  Not a bad adjustment, so we hope this routine continues for awhile.