Piper Grace Deelo – Has Arrived!

Well as it turns out, the little girl couldn’t wait!  Jen went in for her routine checkup and got a one way pass directly to the LDR at Huntington Hospital. They hooked her up to the monitor and asked how bad the contractions felt?  To which she replied “what contractions??”  They told her to drive directly to the hospital around the block. Well, it was a beautiful day and only a few blocks away so she walked over instead and I met her there within the hour.  The nurses were astonished by the fact that she was 1/2 way there when they admitted her. They brought her in, the doctor showed up and within the hour Piper Grace Deelo was born.  Mother and baby girl are doing absolutely fantastic!  When we got to the maternity room, Jen was really hungry. So the doctor approved a full menu for her and she’s having dinner right now.  I’m writing the blog from home and heading back over to the hospital.  Rebecca (my sister) is picking me since I had to take one of the cars home.  A typical Monday turned into the most special day of our lives. We are so excited.

                            Peace and Love to you all!

                        Jennifer, David & Piper Grace

A  Beautiful  Sunday

Friday/Saturday just marked our first storm of the season and it was a great rainfall.  This made way for a beautiful clear and perfect Sunday.  Steelers beat the 49ers and I’m off work until January, whoo hoo! Anyways, here are a few photos of us where you can see the belly. Not sure if you can really tell a difference from the last batch but I sure can! And feel it too!

Tomorrow, I’m off to visit the doctor. I’ll keep everyone posted.

Friday – Surprise shower at work

Today was my last day at work as I begin my maternity leave.  It was a very busy but really great day.  Two ladies that I work with threw a surprise baby shower for me over lunch.  It was so sweet and thoughtful of them because I know they went to a lot of trouble.  I had no idea they were planning this and was pleasantly surprised.  Everyone had a good time (even the men) and I received lots of useful baby items.  We all had fun laughing at the cake that featured a baby covered in a blanket of icing.  It was really cute and funny!  I hope you can see it from the photo above.  I’m going to miss everyone until next year. 

It’s really good to have the next three weeks off so I can relax and take it easy.  Although there are a ton of things that need to get done around the house before the baby arrives.

Have a great weekend!   Look for new belly shots.

36 Weeks

Today, I’m starting into my 36th week.  The past few weeks have really flown by and expect these last ones to do the same.  I’ll post some new belly photos this weekend so you can see how big things are getting.  The baby isn’t moving around as much now since space is much tighter in there.  I’m anxious to see the doctors on Monday and find out how things are going.  I’ve been feeling pretty good besides just being very tired.

In Lamaze class last night we took a tour of the Huntington Hospital.  The entrance and lobby are really grand and feel like an a resort, nothing like a traditional hospital when you enter.  The labor, delivery, and recovery (LDR) suits have a relaxing atmosphere to them (I posted a few photos below).  They really want you to be as comfortable as possible and we think it will be a great place to have our little one.

The instructor walked us through where to go and what we can expect when we arrive.  It was nice to actually see everything so we know the drill when it’s time.  The last stop on the tour was the nursery and saw all the tiny babies.  They were so cute!!  We also went over a few more techniques to deal with labor pain and saw a educational film on epidurals.  I am enjoying these classes and really excited after leaving our class last night.

My work week has been busy.  I’m exhausted and I’ll be so glad when Friday comes.  I’ve been training the new person that is taking over for me. She’ll be a nice addition to the group.  So far it’s going really well but there just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day to get it all in.

Our weather is still lovely!  I have been able to keep up my walking every night since I’m not having to deal with the heat.  I apologize that I keep talking about the weather but I just can’t get over that it’s so cool out.  It’s so rare for this time of year and have been very lucky!

Fall Weekend

What a wonderful fall-like weekend. It actually feels like fall out here and I’m loving it!! The weather couldn’t be any better.

We had a great weekend spent with friends we don’t get to see very often. The picture above is with our friends Erin and Val in Old Town Pasadena. We were very full after enjoying good food and good conversation at our favorite Indian Restaurant. 

After doing a bit of shopping we came home and Dave put together the stroller with car seat carrier (Thank you Bechdels). Everything is very easy to use!  We practiced a few times moving the carrier in and out of the car and stroller.  We can’t wait to use it with Baby!

This is my last week at work and I have a lot to do.  Not only do I have to tie up all my lose ends but train a new person they hired to take over the administrative side of my job. This woman will remain in place when I return so I can focus on more paraprofessional duties.  I hope I get everything finished in time.