Being so sweet

Piper really turned on the charm today for Grandma Snitger’s last day in Pasadena before she has to head back to Beaver in the morning.  Lots of playing and smiles accented the day where Piper stole the show.  She going to miss her grandmother but only for a short while when they get back together in a few weeks.

It’s really been a blessing to have Grandma Snitger out here for this time.  She really helped us out in creating order where there was none.  For this and all the love and joy she kept in our home and our hearts, we are all very grateful.  We really look forward to having you back out again.  We sure can return the favor and send her off to you in Beaver for extended stays when she hits those teenage years.  Those are the real precious moments we don’t want you to miss.

Thanks for everything and come back soon Grandma Snitger!

Grandma’s in charge!

Grandma took over today while Jen was able to get a much needed hair cut.  Piper helped with the laundry and in the kitchen making stuffed shells.  Then Grandma gave her lunch and they had a great afternoon together.  Tomorrow is their last day with each other for a few weeks and Piper is really going to miss her.  Not to worry, Piper will get to meet her Grandma & Grandpa Deelo here in a few weeks. What a schedule this one keeps already!  So exciting.

Sleeping soundly… maybe

As the days go by, Piper amazes us more each day.  Today she really wanted to sleep well but had to let us know how tired she was first.  And boy does she know how to get the attention!

So tonight we managed to get her bathed and fed before going off to sleep.  The weather has been on the warm side and a bit smokey with all those fires burning in them there hills of CA.  Just guessing but this seemed to make her a little more fussy today.  Tomorrow is supposed to be a bit cooler and that should help. As for tonight, we’re hoping she’s comfortable with a fan and a belly full of milk.  To be continued…

Who’s looking at me?

Feed her a good meal then get out of the way!  Today Piper was all about the looks and what was going on in the world around.  She ate, she fussed, she burped and then just stared all around.  No time for sleep when there is all this great interesting stuff to look at.

Grandma fed her a little bit then showed Piper the town!  Well as far as inside the house goes since we really can’t go out with the wildfire smoke in the air and so forth.  So she got a really good walk around the house a few times and what an adventure it was!  I think she even slept for a bit after the tour since it was so exhausting.

The tonight was more of the same, eat and look around a whole lot more!  Can’t wait until tomorrow, see what new things are around to explore.

4 Weeks old

Piper celebrated her 4 week mark by taking a trip to Grandmother’s place.  She was in remarkably good spirits after a little spit up and few naps.  The rest of the day played out very well.  Grandma was even able to give her a bit of the bottle while mom took a break.  All in all Piper had a full day of rest, curious time and tummy time.  She’s now getting ready for sleepy time and getting one more meal in before rest.

We had a little video chat with Grandpa Snitger yesterday from Beaver.  He was out in the little red MG with the top down enjoying the beautiful weather and color of the leafs (which we hear are just amazing back there right now) until he got the phone call saying Piper was awake and could jump on camera.  Not sure how fast that car goes but it got turned around fairly quick and within seconds he was home looking at Piper on the computer.  Of course we insisted that he not take away from the beautiful day just to see his granddaughter, but things worked out a bit differently.  Strange…